About Project Child Support
We’re an energetic team, committed to results and, quality service
The Project Child Support (PCS) initiative provides custodial and noncustodial parents with the most comprehensive private child support assistance services available.
The initiative consists of Project Child Support Inc., the Custodial Support Law Office, and Bounty Alert, Inc., that work together to provide parents with an array of services not provided by any single organization or agency. These services include investigations, legal, collection, educational, charitable, and apprehension assistance.

Project Child Support's Mission
PCS’s mission is to provide custodial parents with services to receive the child support their children deserve and to provide noncustodial parents with the child support resource to reduce the more than $110 billion owed in child support arrears in the United States of America.
Project Child Support's Management
Management: PCS’ management team and advocates possess the backgrounds and motivation to provide custodial with the legal services and resources they need to collect child support when they have a child support order, and owed arrears.
PCS assists custodial parents in collecting their child support arrears, by providing the necessary services to help them obtain an Enforcement Order.
We understand the importance of custodial parents receiving child support and the many problems created by child support neglect.

Lead Attorney
Legal Services
The Custodial Support Law Office provides legal services to assist custodial parents who are owed arrears to obtain enforcement or consent orders, to enforce the payment of their unpaid child support arrears. Legal services are also provided to noncustodial parents to discharge enforcement actions or obtain modifications to reduce child support payment obligations. Services to discharge enforcement actions include the discharge of arrest warrants, restoration of driver’s licenses, reissuance of passports, and the discharge of any liens or levies.
Parents may choose to retain the services of the Custodial Support Law Office or retain another attorney of their choice, at which time the Custodial Support Law Office will work with the client’s private attorney.